Dr Alessandro Lamonica

Dr. Alessandro Giovanni Lamonica is lecturer in Cultural Diplomacy and a Horizon 2020 post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Siena, Italy.

Alessandro is a lecturer in Cultural Diplomacy and a Horizon 2020 post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Siena, Italy. He has been project manager of various EU-funded research projects under the Erasmus+ Programme-Jean Monnet Activities. He is the Deputy Director of CREDO, the EU-funded Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Cultural Relations and Diplomacy. He consults on occasion to governmental and non-governmental organisations on policy development in the areas of cultural diplomacy and public diplomacy, is a member of the Consortium Board of the Cultural Relations Platform of the European Commission, a member of ICCRA (the International Cultural Relations Research Alliance), and a fellow of the Centre for the Study of Political Change (CIRCaP). He is senior editorial assistant of the Working Paper Series in Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the University of Siena and among the organisers of the EUNIC Siena Cultural Relations Forum.


Dr. Lindsay Sarah Krasnoff


Graham Leicester